We are going to keep things going this week with more pulmonary topics! With some feedback from last weeks ventilator lecture, Dr. Pickos will take us through a very basic tutorial of vents and vent settings. In addition, we will have an airway FLIP with Dr. Glamm, an asthma lecture with Dr. Olsen, and some pharmacology coverage with the current EM-Pharmacy Resident, Denise. The pulmonary content will be supplemented by a Follow Up Rounds with Dr. Ershad and of course, our weekly quiz review!
Core Content: Rosen’s
Chapter 2: Mechanical Ventilation and Non-Invasive Ventilatory Support
Chapter 4: Procedural Sedation and Analgesia
EM:RAP Ventilator Management Intro
EM:RAP Ventilator Management I
EM:RAP Ventilator Management II
EM:RAP Ventilator Management III
EM:RAP Ventilator Management IV
REBEL:EM – Management of Mild to Moderate Asthma Exacerbations
REBEL:EM – Single dose dexamethasone or 5 days of prednisone for adult asthma exacerbations?